You’re at that stage in your business where you know you need to step into your higher level frequency and ICONIC status.

You know you want to attract higher paying clients, opportunities to be more visible, juicy collaborations and luxury experiences.

But you don’t know where to begin.

​You’ve been in your business for a few years, you know where you can scale to, and you know that you desire next level client attraction, but realistically how are you going to find the energy and the time?

In the rush to grow your business, it's easy to neglect the most essential component - YOU. The critical task of defining your unique value often gets sidelined, diminishing your visibility and affecting your overall business success.

When was the last time you carved out a whole day to focus on YOU, your needs, desires, personal growth and visibility?

A VIP Day with me, provides a tailored mentoring experience where you’ll get my undivided expert attention in an intimate, luxurious setting. And YOU choose the focus of the day.

Imagine how much can be accomplished in one uninterrupted day, focussing on you stepping into your ICONIC era.

Learning to work smarter, not harder, aligning to your unique Human Design energy.

During your own private VIP Day, you’ll be guided and supported as you build the strategy for your next big steps so you can grow your business with ease and flow. As an entrepreneur, you understand that time is your most valuable asset in both business and life. While you can always earn more money and create new opportunities, once time is lost, it can never be recovered.

We will meet for a day, just you and me, and focus on your personal growth and leadership. We will focus on YOU showing up in a more dynamic way, as the leader and CEO in your business. Your leadership directly impacts the performance in your entire business. There’s no aspect of running a business that isn‘t related to how you show up and step into your leadership.

Our day is centred around unlocking your true potential, by helping you move past self-imposed limitations and deepen your understanding of your own unique power, aligned to your higher frequency Human Design energy. Every person has a unique key that opens them to higher states of consciousness and this work holds the key to unlock yours.

Through my insights, guidance and the sacred space I hold, you will confront and overcome the challenges that are blocking your next level of success and prosperity, so you can break the cycle of self-doubt, amplify your mystical inner radiance and step into visible, ICONIC and high vibrational Aquarian Age leadership. This whole experience enables you to see and appreciate your own value, allowing you to tap into the higher frequencies of freedom, love and prosperity.

Our journey together is not just about gaining new external tools or strategies, but about uncovering the inherent value and capabilities that already exist within you. And learning to LOVE every part of yourself.

My focus is on ensuring that you not only achieve business success but also feel genuinely deserving and empowered by it. This transformation extends beyond business, influencing all areas of your life, including personal relationships.

By nurturing self-actualization, you will improve your relationships with yourself and others, creating a more holistic and fulfilling experience both professionally and personally.

And the best part? You escape your normal routine and environment to make it much easier to break through limiting patterns and mindset restrictions that have been holding you back, so you can step into ICONIC and visible leadership.


  • Personalised Mentoring: Receive tailored, one-on-one guidance in an intimate, luxurious setting, focusing on your unique needs and desires for personal growth and business leadership.

  • Transformative Strategies: Develop a strategic plan to elevate your business with ease and flow, aligning with your Human Design energy to attract higher-paying clients and lucrative opportunities.

  • Empowerment and Self-Worth: Confront and overcome self-worth challenges, unlocking your true potential and stepping confidently into your ICONIC era of leadership and visibility.

  • Holistic Growth: Experience a day dedicated to your overall well-being, enhancing your relationships, self-awareness, and empowerment for a more fulfilling personal and business life.


  • Ready to step into your higher level frequency and ICONIC status to attract higher-paying clients and valuable opportunities.

  • Looking to define and amplify your unique value, enhancing your visibility and overall business success.

  • Seeking personalised, one-on-one mentoring to break through self-imposed limitations and deepen your understanding of your own power.

  • Committed to improving your leadership skills, personal growth, and aligning with your Human Design energy.

  • Desiring to escape your normal routine to effectively overcome mindset restrictions and limiting patterns.

  • Eager to create a more holistic and fulfilling experience, both professionally and personally, by nurturing self-actualization and enhancing relationships.

Your investment in this day, which includes a working lunch, is a powerful starting point or a refresher, tailored to bring immediate value to your visibility journey.


I've been in your shoes. I was struck in the cycle of self-doubt. I questioned my identity and my value. I feared rejection. But through this work I learned how to elevate my self worth and show up unapologetically as an empowered and authentic leader.

I have over 28 years experience of mentoring thousands of leaders in Fortune 500 companies and in my own successful business, which I founded in 2016. I’ve worked with global organisations such as TUI, Disney, Royal Caribbean, Santander, Ra Ma Institute and Soho House. 

This exclusive day is tailored to inspire and empower you, drawing insights from my own journey to enhance your confidence, self-worth and visibility.


  • A pre-event call with me on Zoom to understand your goals and main focus so we can hit the ground running on your VIP Day.

  • A 6-hour VIP intensive including working lunch.

  • A follow up coaching call for accountability, questions and further support.

  • Venue, lunch and refreshments all included.


A VIP Day Intensive with me (virtually or in-person) where we will work through the opportunities, possibilities and hidden potential in your leadership specially aligned to your Human Design is a £5,000 investment.

The next steps are simple: CLICK HERE to get started or if you’d rather book a call first CLICK HERE


1. Who is the VIP Day for?

The VIP Day is designed for entrepreneurs and business leaders who are ready to step into a higher level of frequency, attract higher-paying clients, enhance their visibility, and overcome self-imposed limitations.

2. What can I expect from a VIP Day?

You can expect personalised mentoring, strategic planning for business growth, empowerment to overcome self-worth challenges, and holistic growth that enhances both personal and professional aspects of your life.

3. What is included in the VIP Day package?

The package includes a pre-event call to understand your goals, a 6-hour intensive session with a working lunch, and a follow-up coaching call for accountability and further support. Venue, lunch, and refreshments are all included.

4. How much does a VIP Day cost?

The investment for a VIP Day Intensive is £5,000. This includes all sessions, materials, and meals provided during the day.

5. How do I prepare for the VIP Day?

We will have a pre-event call to discuss your goals and focus areas. This helps us hit the ground running on the day of the event. You can also prepare by reflecting on your current challenges and what you hope to achieve.

6. Can the VIP Day be conducted virtually?

Yes, the VIP Day can be conducted virtually or in-person, depending on your preference and availability.

7. What if I need further support after the VIP Day?

A follow-up coaching call is included in the package to provide additional support, accountability, and to address any questions you may have after the VIP Day. You may also have the option to continue working with me privately, dependant on availability.

8. What is Human Design and how does it relate to the VIP Day?

Human Design is a system that helps you understand your unique strengths, challenges, and how you are best suited to operate in the world. During the VIP Day, we will align your strategies and growth plans with your specific Human Design energy for optimal results.

9. Why should I choose to work with you?

I have over 28 years of experience mentoring thousands of leaders in Fortune 500 companies and my own successful business. My approach is personalised, drawing from my own journey and extensive experience to inspire and empower you.

10. What makes the setting of the VIP Day special?

The VIP Day takes place in an intimate and luxurious setting, allowing you to escape your normal routine and environment. This change of scenery helps break through limiting patterns and mindset restrictions, facilitating a deeper transformation.


Abigail Rebecca empowers women to be ICONIC. She’s a Human Design Visibility Mentor, Futuristic Mystic Healer, Aquarian Age Leader, Stylist and International Speaker, with over 28 years experience of mentoring thousands of leaders in Fortune 500 companies and in her own successful business, which she founded in 2016. She’s worked with global organisations such as TUI, Disney, Royal Caribbean, Santander, Ra Ma Institute and Soho House. 

At the age of 16, Abigail faced a life-altering decision: to remain disempowered within a religious cult or embark on a path to freedom, cutting ties with her friends and family. She courageously chose freedom, a value that aligns with every decision she makes to this day. Abigail is dedicated to championing freedom not only for herself but for every woman in the world. 

As part of the collective mission to raise the vibration of the planet, Abigail Rebecca’s Illuminate Method™ empowers Entrepreneurs, Founders and other Creative Change-makers to embody their unique Human Design, break the cycle of self-doubt, amplify their mystical inner radiance and step into visible, iconic and high vibrational Aquarian Age leadership.

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