Elevate Your Human Design Projector Leadership: Overcome Bitterness and Embrace Success in Business and Life

As a Human Design Projector, I understand the struggle to find success in a world dominated by these wonderful energetic sacral beings; Generators and Manifesting Generators.

I often tell the story, of when I first started my business 7 years ago, I invested heavily in coaching programmes that taught a one size fits all approach to visibility, sales and business strategy that I didn’t feel aligned to. 

I felt disconnected. Stuck. Invisible. Caught up in the comparison game and feeling inadequate. Playing small. Hustling to prove myself.

If you resonate with any of this, then fear not, because I would love to share some valuable insights into your Projector Strategy and how you can elevate your vibration to attract the things you desire.

The key to success as a Human Design Projector lies in our unique strategy of waiting for the invitation. I know, it can sound discouraging at first. You might wonder how you'll ever build a business or achieve your goals if you have to wait for others to initiate and invite you in. Trust me, I've been there. But I've come to realise that there is power in patiently waiting for the right opportunities to come our way.

When we’re aligned with our Human Design strategy and awaiting the invitation, we vibrate at a level of success. This success, however, is not solely defined by external markers such as money or recognition, but rather by a deep sense of being valued and appreciated for our unique insights and wisdom.

When we’re recognised and invited into the right opportunities, we feel seen and appreciated, and this internal fulfilment is the true essence of success for a Projector.

On the other hand, when we struggle to find recognition and feel ignored or unappreciated, we can spiral down into the depths of bitterness. This lower vibrational state is not where we want to be, as it only attracts more negative experiences and closes us off from the opportunities we seek. The bitterness only serves to repel the success and fulfilment we crave.

While waiting for invitations is essential for Projectors, it's important to acknowledge that not everyone will recognise our unique gifts.

This realisation prompted me to shift my focus inward and learn the art of self-validation. Relying solely on external validation from others was leaving me feeling bitter and unfulfilled. By learning to appreciate myself, recognise my own worth and love myself, I shifted my vibration towards success, regardless of external validation.

So, how can we actively raise our Projector vibration to attract the things we desire? It starts with understanding the power of our energy. When we vibrate at the level of success, we naturally attract business opportunities, meaningful relationships and the resources we need to thrive. People are drawn to the positive, successful energy that we carry in our aura, making us more magnetic and influential in the opportunities that come our way.

Embracing bitterness only serves to repel the very things we crave. I often use the analogy that no one wants to hang out with a bitter person, not even ourselves.

It's a simple but powerful truth that illustrates how our energy directly influences the opportunities and connections we attract.

The focus on waiting for invitations does not mean we passively wait for life to happen to us. We can take proactive steps to manifest the invitations that align with our true potential. By recognising the power of our penetrating aura and the wisdom we can offer, we can position ourselves to be invited into the opportunities where our guidance is truly valued and paid very well!

I explain more in the video below.

And here’s an invitation to enrol in Amplify Your Projector Aura

Don’t you really hate it when you spend hours doing incredible work but you’re not making sales. You put stuff out on social media, your website and email list and then it’s like crickets.

It feels like nobody recognises you. So you work even harder only to become burnt out and stuck on the never ending hustle cycle. You feel bitter and rejected. Surely there has to be a better way?

As a Projector you’re not designed to do this. You’re literally going against your natural flow of energy and way of being. You’re not designed to hustle and work hard. And you’re definitely not designed to chase. Life should feel like you’re in ease and flow.

You are destined to feel successful. PROJECTORS ARE SUCCESS.

In this 3 part masterclass you will learn how to embrace your natural tendencies and create that perfect space for your creativity to flourish. Say goodbye to the hustle and say hello to the pure magic of inspiration that leads to mind-blowing success!

Abigail Rebecca