Why Hustling Won't Get Sh*t Done in Your Biz - A Human Design Perspective

As someone who has been in the business world for a while, I'm sure you've heard countless times about the importance of hustle. The idea that in order to succeed, you need to constantly hustle, reach out, initiate and chase after opportunities. But today, I want to present a different perspective.

If you've been following me, you probably already know that I am anti-hustle. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not against work. Work is great as long as it lights you up and aligns with who you are. What I love about Human Design is that it offers us an alternative to the constant hustle and the anxiety of feeling like we need to get things done immediately.

Human Design helps us step away from that hustle mentality and into a state of calm and control. It allows us, as Female Founders, to take on the role of a strategic leader instead of constantly putting out fires on the ground. When we are caught up in the daily grind, it's difficult to see the bigger picture and have a clear overview of our business.

If you're serious about growing your business and reaching that 7-figure mark, it's crucial for you to step into the role of CEO. Of course, you can always hire a CEO if you don’t want to do it yourself, but I believe that as the Founder, you probably want to be the one shaping and growing your business according to your own vision.

When I first started my business seven years ago, I invested in coaches, programmes, and masterminds that preached hustling as the way to success. But it didn't work for me. It left me feeling overwhelmed and constantly firefighting. Thankfully, I discovered other ways to run my business with more ease and flow, aligned with my unique energy type.

There are 5 Human Design Types: Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Generator, Reflector and Projector, each with their own strategies to follow. By understanding and practicing our specific Human Design strategy, we can align our businesses and lives with our natural tendencies. This brings us into a state of flow and alignment, reducing the need for constant hustle.

Moreover, we can take it a step further by paying attention to the feelings associated with our Human Design strategy. For example, if you're a Generator or Manifesting Generator, your strategy is to wait to respond instead of always initiating. When you're aligned with this strategy, you'll feel satisfied. When you're not aligned, you'll feel frustrated. Understanding and leveraging these feelings can provide valuable insights into whether we're vibrating at a high or low level and whether we're creating future success in our business.

Now, I understand that society has conditioned us to believe that being busy equates to success and we can feel guilty when we're not working. But as we move into the age of Aquarius, a collaborative and information-sharing era, the definition of leadership is changing. It's about trusting our inner wisdom, knowledge and intuition. Hustle keeps us from truly connecting with ourselves and from being intimate with our inner guidance. It numbs out our feelings and disconnects us from our bodies, preventing us from creating the success we desire.

By embracing Human Design and understanding our own unique strategies and associated feelings, we can break free from the hustle mindset and create sustainable, aligned and successful businesses. It's not about putting ourselves in a box. It’s about expanding and using these strategies as a compass to gauge our alignment and make adjustments.

If you haven't tapped into Human Design yet, I encourage you to do so. It's a powerful tool for creating a business that aligns with your energy and allows you to operate as an Aquarian Age leader. I've even provided a free personalised report (link in the description below) to help you get started on your Human Design journey.

Remember, hustle may bring short-term gains, but it's the alignment with our natural tendencies and the feelings associated with it, that lead to long-term success and fulfilment. What would happen if you chose to leave hustle behind and embrace a new way of doing business?

Maybe it’s time to trust your inner wisdom, tap into your unique energy and create a business that is truly aligned with who you are.

Burnt out in your biz? Stop the hustle and create sustained 7 figure success with the energy alignment strategy that everyone is talking about. Download your free personalised report here for instant access.

Abigail Rebecca